Mississippi Pictures
DSCN1306.jpg At the Airport

DSCN1307.jpg Airport

DSCN1309.jpg Moonrise out
the window
DSCN1311.jpg All our stuff

DSCN1313.jpg Sleeping Area

DSCN1314.jpg Dining Area

DSCN1315.jpg Tim with home
DSCN1316.jpg Destruction near
the Anderson's
DSCN1318.jpg Sunset at
the Anderson's
DSCN1319.jpg Anderson House

Mike driving
drywall screws
DSCN1321.jpg Lori and Kelly
using the "Rotozip"
DSCN1322.jpg Ingrid working
on drywall
Joe driving
in screws
DSCN1324.jpg Wayne
putting up drywall
DSCN1325.jpg Going to the school

DSCN1326.jpg Meeting the
DSCN1327.jpg Boxing up
school supplies
DSCN1329.jpg Pam and Valerie
with school staff
DSCN1330.jpg The "Tornado"
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